News list for " delivery"

Xiaomi Auto: From 10:00 on March 2, Xiaomi SU7 Ultra will be delivered nationwide one after another.

Xiaomi Auto: From 10:00 on March 2, Xiaomi SU7 Ultra will be delivered nationwide one after another.

2025-02-28 10:26:42
Li Auto (02015.HK): The ideal L6 has been delivered so far, and the cumulative delivery has exceeded 220,000 vehicles.

Li Auto (02015.HK): The ideal L6 has been delivered so far, and the cumulative delivery has exceeded 220,000 vehicles.

2025-02-27 04:12:13
Tesla's new Model Y officially starts deliveries in the Chinese market

On February 26th, Tesla's new Model Y was officially delivered in the Chinese market on February 26th. The vehicle has been upgraded in terms of appearance, cockpit, battery life, etc., and the strength of safety, intelligence and other products has been further enhanced. On February 18th, the new Model Y was officially mass-produced at Tesla's Shanghai Super Factory, and the first batch of off-line models were equipped with the new Glacier Blue paint.

2025-02-26 01:12:47
The technical aspects of the daily external futures varieties are summarized, among which two varieties, such as CBOT corn, have the opportunity to go long.

The technical aspects of the daily external futures varieties are summarized, among which two varieties, such as CBOT corn, have the opportunity to go long.

2025-02-17 05:05:57
The technical aspects of the daily external futures varieties are summarized, among which four varieties such as CBOT corn have short opportunities.

The technical aspects of the daily external futures varieties are summarized, among which four varieties such as CBOT corn have short opportunities.

2025-02-03 05:23:29
The total weight of gold bars to be delivered will be 30 million ounces, which will be the second largest delivery volume on the New York Commodity Futures Exchange since records began in 1994. Click to view...

The total weight of gold bars to be delivered will be 30 million ounces, which will be the second largest delivery volume on the New York Commodity Futures Exchange since records began in 1994. Click to view...

2025-02-03 03:06:03
On February 1st, NIO (NIO. N): 13,863 new cars were delivered in January, an increase of 37.9% year-on-year. Among them, 7,951 new cars were delivered by the NIO brand; 5,912 new cars were delivered by the Ledao brand. As of now, NIO has accumulated...

On February 1st, NIO (NIO. N): 13,863 new cars were delivered in January, an increase of 37.9% year-on-year. Among them, the NIO brand delivered 7,951 new cars; the Ledao brand delivered 5,912 new cars. As of now, NIO has delivered a total of 685,427 new cars. Among them, the NIO brand has delivered a total of 658,754 new cars; the Ledao brand has delivered a total of 26,673 new cars. As of January 31, 2025, the number of NIO replacement stations has reached 3,106, including 964 highway replacem...

2025-02-01 07:04:05
On February 1, Li Auto (LI. O): 29,927 vehicles were delivered in January 2025. As of January 31, 2025, Li Auto's cumulative deliveries reached 1,163,799 vehicles.

On February 1, Li Auto (LI. O): 29,927 vehicles were delivered in January 2025. As of January 31, 2025, Li Auto's cumulative deliveries reached 1,163,799 vehicles.

2025-02-01 02:01:37
The technical aspects of the daily external futures varieties are summarized, among which three varieties such as CBOT corn have short opportunities.

The technical aspects of the daily external futures varieties are summarized, among which three varieties such as CBOT corn have short opportunities.

2025-01-31 05:27:51
According to sources, the London gold market is queuing up to borrow gold from the Bank of England after a large shipment to the United States

On January 30, two people familiar with the matter said that due to market speculation that the United States may impose gold import tariffs, the amount of gold shipped to the United States has surged, and London bullion market participants are competing to borrow gold from the Bank of England. The minimum waiting time for gold shipments from the Bank of England, which stores gold for central banks, has reached four weeks. According to reports, in the past two months, 12.20 million troy ounces o...

2025-01-29 17:44:13
In 2024, our country's express business volume exceeded 170 billion pieces

On January 8th, the reporter learned from the State Post Bureau on January 8th that in 2024 our country's express business volume reached 174.50 billion pieces and express business income was 1.40 trillion yuan, an increase of 21% and 13% respectively. In the past year, the postal express industry focused on the beautiful vision of "smooth flow of things" and better empowered the development of the real economy. In 2025, the industry will continue to maintain a steady upward trend. The express b...

2025-01-08 01:01:31
Hyperlane Core Contributors Launch Token Name Vote on X

On January 3rd, core contributors to the cross-chain messaging protocol Hyperlane launched a token name vote on X. These include HYPR, HYPER, LANE, and EXP. Currently, HYPER has received 60.7% support.

2025-01-03 04:13:01
In December, the average daily transaction amount of CME Bitcoin futures rose to 10.14 billion US dollars, a record high

According to The Block Pro data, the average daily turnover of CME bitcoin futures rose to $10.14 billion, a record high, an increase of 3.1%, but CME bitcoin futures unpositioned squaring contracts decreased by 12.4% to $17.60 billion. In addition, Bitcoin monthly futures trading volume decreased by 7.4% to $1.96 trillion, options trading volume decreased by 28.4% to $79.50 billion; Ethereum monthly futures trading volume increased by 9.6% to $1.03 trillion, and options trading volume increased...

2025-01-03 03:24:39
XPeng Motors: Delivered 36,695 new cars in December, up 82% year-on-year.

On January 1st, XPeng Motors: A total of 36,695 new cars were delivered in December 2024, an increase of 82% year-on-year and 19% month-on-month, setting a new record for single-month deliveries for four consecutive months.

2025-01-01 02:46:58

7x24 Newsflash

20:03 2025-03-29
18:50 2025-03-29
18:01 2025-03-29
17:16 2025-03-29
17:00 2025-03-29
日本经济专家:美国关税政策倒行逆施 将导致经济整体下行
16:57 2025-03-29
或因投资者担忧 4 月宏观政策变化而减少对风险资产的敞口,加密货币市场今日出现下跌,过去 24 小时清算规模已超过 3 亿美元,BTC 更是跌至 8.2 万美元区间。不过以黄金为支撑的加密货币正在逆转市场的看跌趋势,PAXG 过去 24 小时上涨了 0.7%,XAUT 上涨约 1%。(Coindesk)
16:21 2025-03-29
据The Data Nerd监测,4小时前,某鲸鱼0x603从Bybit提取了1,597枚ETH(约合295万美元)。在过去3周内,他总共囤积8,201枚ETH,价值1581万美元(平均入场费1,928美元)
16:06 2025-03-29
15:57 2025-03-29
The ETF Store总裁:目前向美SEC提交的山寨币ETF已覆盖XRP、SOL等11种
3月29日消息,The ETF Store总裁Nate Geraci在 X 平台发文称,随着纳斯达克为灰度Avalanche ETF提交19b-4表格申请,目前向美国证券交易委员会提交的山寨币ETF已覆盖 11 种,包括:XRP、SOL、DOGE、ADA、AVAX、SUI、HBAR、DOT、LTC、APT 和 AXL。 据悉,此前VanEck也已备案Avalanche ETF,AVAX目前按市值计算约为第 15 大数字资产。
15:36 2025-03-29
曾由Sam Bankman-Fried掌舵的加密货币交易所FTX计划于5月底开始向其主要债权人偿还债务。该公司将分配资金给受2022年破产影响的数千家企业(其中包括机构投资者和在FTX平台上持有加密货币的公司)和散户投资者,其中首批向主要债权人的付款将于5月30日支付。然而根据破产律师Andrew Dietderich称,目前收到的索赔中存在大量重复,还有一些是彻头彻尾的欺诈,导致FTX资...
15:01 2025-03-29
【周六重要消息汇总】国内新闻:1. 茅台圆满完成一季度各项销售指标。<span cl...
【周六重要消息汇总】国内新闻:1. 茅台圆满完成一季度各项销售指标。2. 雷军:预计今年研发投入将超过300亿元。3. 国务院国资委:将对整车央企进行战略性重组。4. 投保基金启动券商投保状况评价,同步摸底投保机制建设情况。5. 何小鹏:小鹏飞行汽车工厂预计明年开始量产,年产能一万台。6. 商务部:着力打通新能源汽车流通堵点,适当加大换购新能源汽车的支持力度;截至3月28日今年汽车“以旧换新”补贴申请已超过176.9万份。国际新闻:1. 伊拉克总理批准向黎巴嫩供应燃料6个月。2. 日经新闻:日本延长将俄罗斯排除出最惠国待遇的期限。3. 泰国央行要求银行及非银行机构针对地震提供金融援助措施。4. 卫星照片显示缅甸首都内比都机场的塔台倒塌,消息称工作人员全部遇难。5. 美军在印度洋岛屿部署B2轰炸机,同时抵达的还有多架战略运输机、加油机。
14:53 2025-03-29
据The Data Nerd监测,某鲸鱼11小时前向币安存入2140枚ETH,该鲸鱼在三个月前以3331美元均价积累了这些ETH,约合713万美元,但现在已将这些ETH售出获得406万枚USDT,亏损高达308万美元,回报率为-43%。